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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Quick snack tip. I was hungry and wanted a snack. Threw some asparagus on a pan with salt, onion powder, and garlic powder. Roasted at 450 degrees about 10-15 minutes each side. It satisfies cravings for something salty and crunchy.

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor


I was checking out YouTube for a few moments and this guy is amazing! I always wondered if gaining weight and having skin stretched due to having kids affected your ability to be able to get rid of the saggy skin through exercise. As it turns out for this guy, it's not a lot of extra skin for as big as he was! In the video, Jon says, "I AM WILL POWER!" If you are too, please comment so! Stay motivated everyone!

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I got hungry and wanted a snack, crunchy veggies with a dip. I didn't have the foods that any recipes called for on hand, so I threw an avocado, 2 Roma tomatoes, a clove of garlic, and a splash of apple cider vinegar in my processor and got this- yes the whole clove was a little much and some say ACV isn't paleo, some say it is.


Yes, another exercise to add to my daily "30 days of" obsession. This time it's squats. This one is actually what prompted me to initiate the whole 30 day kick. After having done a trial of 50 squats I realized that it was pretty easy so I figured I could throw in other exercises as well, with each one working my way up to 30 days.

Here's the squat schedule:

Here's a pic of my ass:

Hopefully you all will be able to tell a difference at the end of my 30 days. And this is not the first time I have post pics of my ass on the net. SEE

Missy Davis
Independent Advocare Distributor


Recently I did a 24 day challenge through AdvoCare. I did rather well considering I still didn't eat the greatest and only exercised 4 out of 24 days. I did however take most of my supplements and was able to lose 10 lbs. The best thing on top of those 10 lbs., is that I also lost 7 inches. Here is the before and after of my measurements:

DAY 1.................DAY 24
ARM 13.5 in........13 in. (0.5 in.X2)
THIGH 24 in..........23 in. (1 in.X2)
HIPS 42 in............40 in. (2 in.)
WAIST 42 in..........40.5 in. (1.5 in.)
CHEST 42.5 in..........42 in. (0.5 in.)

Over all, I can say I'm extremely happy with my results because I didn't have to put forth much effort to lose pounds and inches. I will say that in between any challenges that I may do, there are a few products that I will continuously use because I believe they are the ones that helped the most. These are Spark, ThermoPlus, Catalyst, and OmegaPlex. The next plan is to keep taking these products and follow the Paleo Diet. I'll be doing this for the next 30 days along with plenty of daily exercise. I'll be posting before and after pics. If you want to know what these products are, feel free to click any of the links to the product information.

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor


This is me after my first 20 minute run/walk interval. My feet and legs are killing me! It's my first of 30 Days of Running!

Missy Davis


This is just a quick meal idea I saw. Cut an avocado in half, take out the pit, and put an egg in. I put garlic powder and pepper on top before I baked this delicious breakfast at 425 degrees for 10 minutes. (Mine got crispy because I left it in the oven while getting Jacob ready for school) plenty of protein in this one, ENJOY!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I've been seeing all kinds of low carb, no carb, high protein and Paleo recipes, I started craving some of the foods so I got some tuna and avocado. I originally thought it would make an excellent sandwich but I needed something to roll it up in like lettuce. Much to my surprise, the store was out of iceberg lettuce so I opted for Napa Cabbage which is delicious! On my way out of the store I passed some sun dried tomatoes which I've never had before but wanted to try. With all these plus an onion, salt and pepper I made a pretty good and filling meal for right around 375 calories.

1 can tuna (in water)
Small handful of sun dried tomatoes, diced
1 slice of onion, diced
2 leaves of Napa cabbage
1/2 an avocado
Salt and pepper to taste.

This is not rocket science, I mixed all of the ingredients that are to be wrapped into the cabbage with a potato masher. Split it into the 2 leaves, wrapped up and ate. Simple and delicious!


So, I was sitting around with my feet propped up trolling on Pinterest and I came across a pin about 5 ways to burn 200 calories in 3 minutes. I thought to myself, "WOW! Although I've had my feet propped up for 30 minutes and I only woke up an hour ago, I can do like 2 of these real quick and sit around for a lot longer before I actually do anything today!" I was so excited really but even more so because this goes along with the Paleo workouts and meal plan I've been starting to try.

Well, here's the 3 minute workouts to help you be lazy. Be realistic though, you should be doing these at MAXIMUM INTENSITY.

1. Jumping jacks. These do-anywhere moves pump up your heart rate in no time.

2. Mountain climbers. This cardio move helps strengthen leg and core muscles as well. To do a mountain climber, start in a runners starting position - hands on the floor, hunched over with one knee bent toes on ground, other knee straight toes on ground.

3. Burpees. Also called squat-thrusts. From standing position, do a squat then thrust out into a plank. Do a push up then reverse the move and end with a jumping jack to complete one full move.

4. Running up stairs. Do this anywhere — you'll get the added bonus of a toned backside.

5. Walking lunges. These lunges help you develop balance while strengthening your core and lower body. Do these briskly, but make sure your form stays correct to prevent knee or ankle strain.

I got no worries, I have plenty of time to do these today. Wanna know what I like best about these workouts? I just tell myself, "C'mon, it's just 5 minutes. Like a commercial break, using the restroom, getting up to scan the fridge... That's all it takes and then you can park your ass back on the couch." More times than not, 5 minutes is just long enough time to get the blood flowing and make me feel more energetic but not too long to make me want to sit back down so I end up doing some chores too.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


This post seems more so devoted to those who want to eat right and exercise, but it's mostly about developing habits that are effective.

While I was on my "run for my life" jog, I was thinking of how I should go about making an attempt to try harder to get out like that once a day. I exercise like once a week maybe and I want to change that.

I remembered when I heard a long time ago that something becomes a habit after 7-14 times. After looking up to make sure I was right, I saw many things with the majority of them saying 21 times. I wondered how this was going to work for me since I was planning on doing more of a Paleo style work out which is very intense and short bouts, 4-5 times a day. This would mean it would be habit in less than a week.

I started thinking which usually ends up in a catastrophe. However, it made some sense. I thought about how most people exercise once a day or even every other day.

This made me realize something for diet AND exercise. That each exercise needed to be done 21 times to form a habit. Each healthy meal or snack needs to be done 21 times to become a habit.

So if you want to eat healthy, each breakfast needs to be healthy for 21 consecutive days. Same goes for each snack, lunch or supper. This is true for exercise as well.

To make something a habit, start off small. Think like the 30 day free trials. The reason you've been given 30 days is that is just long enough for it to become appreciated, depended on, a habit.

If something should be done multiple times, just do it once a day. When you think you can handle it, add a second then third time a day. Make a note of it and place it somewhere you can see it everyday. If you are reminded of it everyday, it's kind of hard to forget to do it.

If you want to make a habit of exercise, grab a buddy. If its about eating right, make a journal, tell your friends. If you have something to be proud of and receive praise from, you are apt to keep doing it, right?

Be consistent. Consistency is critical. Try doing something at the same time and place, EVERYDAY. Breakfast is around the same time, so eat a healthy one at home. You can't eat a healthy meal everyday at home for 10 days then on a whim pick up some thigh equally as healthy from the gas station on the run, right?

Be imperfect. Expect to make mistakes just don't think it made you a failure. When you made that bad decision at the fast food restaurant because you were on the run or skipping that exercise because you just weren't feeling it, just go back to your previous commitments and do them. Keep on track with the future habits and don't dwell on your minor mistakes.

To sum it up. Keep trying and realize that if you've done something for a little bit and dropped it for a day, pick it back up. Keep striving for at least a month or you won't keep up on it. Whether it be exercising, remembering to tweet on Twitter everyday or just being more productive. It takes a while to make it a habit and you need to be forgiving to yourself.


So lately I've been reading up on the Paleo diet. If the word Paleo sounds just a wee bit familiar, think Paleolithic Era. Basically this is referring to how cavemen lived. Apparently it's not all about diet but also about the need for exercise in relation to how our ancestors would have used energy.

The basis is simple. The cavemen chased their food and ran from predators. They climbed for fruits and nuts while walking to find water. They worked HARD for food to keep them from starving, NOT going hungry. At the end of the day they had no need to exercise 30-90 minutes a day to keep fit. Although some of us go to extreme lengths to quench our thirst and curb hunger, such as bribing our children to get us a soda from the fridge or making a late night run to the nearest store for some Ben And Jerry's, we generally don't fight for our unhealthy food cravings.

What does this mean? We don't have the many bouts of intense running, climbing, pushing or pulling throughout the day to keep us fit. We don't eat the natural foods that were originally found in our environment to keep us nourished. Foods and activity level were much different.

The main diet is made up of meats that are not highly processed, eggs, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. From what I've read, the things that are cut out are anything that's highly processed, grains, corn, and dairy products. Basically, if the cavemen didn't eat it, you shouldn't either. As for activity, you should be keeping yourself busy, and every once in a while for like 5-10 minutes at a time doing something EXTREMELY strenuous.

As simple as this sounds I thought I'd give it a try, since seeing as I got on this smoothie kick and I like to fill up on lean proteins and snack on nuts. Why not, right? This is easy, I got this food thing down, I thought. Exercise for 10 minutes at a time, who couldn't do this?

For starters, I love milk and yogurt. Not that I consume it as I should (osteoporosis here I come!) but I'm not going to fully give it up either. I love cheese to but with that, if its out of sight it's out of mind. I occasionally get a craving for bran flakes, oatmeal, brown rice, or beans but I'm not addicted so I'm good there too. I love steamed veggies and soups plus I can make smoothies that are pretty filling so the food rules are not going to be an issue.

My morning exercise was hard though. Sure, I was going out to run for like 5 minutes but some tips I've read were to do your chosen activity as hard as you can. So what did I do but chose to go running. I grabbed my iPhone and turned on Pandora only to hear a really good song that was not much of a running song. So I decided to warm up and walk. The next song I ran full speed for like 20-30 seconds then walked some. It wasn't bad. I was going to attempt to do this 5 times. I started out pretending like I was running from muggers, then a vicious dog. By the end of my jog, my 30 second bursts of intense running ended up being more like 10 second jogs of chasing a fat man down because he dropped his candy bar.

Over all, I would probably make a crappy caveman but an excellent vegetarian. I would have not been much for chasing my food because I was winded but felt great. Maybe I would have been a better gatherer that would have traded for meat. Point being, I definitely am going to incorporate mostly Paleo-type foods and just train myself to handle the small bursts of exercise because they are better than my typical sitting on the couch.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So over a month ago I bought myself an Oster brand smoothie maker to make smoothies. Its like a Magic Bullet but 1/3 the price because I'm a cheap ass. It has worked quite well, for the whole 2 smoothies I made and then used the to go bottle for the AdvoCare Spark I drink.

Well today it is 75 degrees out and lately I have been in the mood to buy a bunch of fruits and veggies just to let them go bad in the fridge because for some reason it's just too much work to get all of them out, put them in a bowl, then sit and eat them 3 meals a day to lose weight. I decided if I can prepare meals for my family, make snacks for my kids, then I can make myself a daily smoothie and enjoy all my daily fruits and veggies in one sitting then return to my regularly scheduled laziness.

This was a pretty great plan so far. There is no true recipe to what I made today but it is mighty tasty so I figured I'd share what I made today.

1 apple
1 orange
a small handful of almonds
1/2 a banana
a big handful of spinach
a few strawberries
some grapes- any will do but I used green
1/4 cup of milk, maybe 1/3

First I put the almonds in the smoothie maker to grind them up. Then I added the milk and spinach to get those into a very fine mixture. I let that run while I peeled the orange and cut up the apple. You know the rest... Just start throwin that shit in bit by bit and add a splash of milk if it looks too thick. All together it made about 16 oz. I also decided to add a small squeeze of honey and lots of cinnamon. DELICIOUS! And all for an estimated 300 calories.

This is a great meal that is super dessert-like. I'm also going to go for some home made Cliff Bar knock offs, well because deep down I'm a big kid that would rather snack and run than sit for a whole meal and eat foods that suggest unhealthy tastes as opposed to those healthy ones.

Maybe I'll get on those Cliff Bars tomorrow and carry this obsessive snacking for a week and I'll get back to see how much weight I've lost. Did I mention this is my weekend off and we're planning a bonfire? Well, this my friends has made me so full I couldn't at all eat another bite. We'll see how long this sticks with me. Later kiddos! (Oh by the way,is the title is ironically misleading?)