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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Decided to take on the 24 day challenge. I had taken one during the middle of December and beginning of January. That wasn't the worst mistake in the world but it was over Christmas and New Years... Oops. But aside from having all kinds of "cheat" days and not exercising at all... I did lose 7 lbs. so I've gotten the motivation to take another one. I have also motivated a few friends to take it with me.

So far, this is how my 2 days has treated me.
I started my cleanse on Sunday. My work called me asking if I wanted to work Monday 7a-7p. This is not my normal shift and I was already scheduled for that same day 7p-7a. So naturally I said yes to 24 hours but this is not uncommon for EMS work.

Later that evening they called me to say that they no longer needed me. I was really wanting the money but wasn't gonna complain about not having to work a 24.

After the relief of not having to work a 24, I decided I did not need to get ready to go to bed any time soon. Then I got the call. I was back on schedule.

After knowing that I'd have to be up at 530 am, I tried to scramble to finish the stuff I needed to. With no victory I was in bed no earlier that 1 am.

When I woke up, I had my fiber drink. They remind me of apple sauce so they are yummy. I packed plenty of things like apples, an orange, tomato, celery and carrots with peanut butter, and almonds.

My shift started at 7a but at 8 or 830 was our first run. We were moving and had patient after patient until we pulled back into the station at 830p. Yes, we did find a little time here and there to grab a snack and mine were all healthy.

Well after getting back to the station and to my usual partner, I finally got a lunch. She even offered to buy me a salad. She's amazing!

Right after our lunches we had to take the vans with the newly equipped GPS units out to Sydney, Piqua, and Dayton. This took until 3a.

At this point I was still going strong but I had also been up for almost 23 hours and had only had 4.5 hours sleep. I knew I needed sleep.

I laid down and asked my partner if she'd do the shop chores for me. She agreed. Like I said, AMAZING!

At 330a, she came out to let me know that we had to leave for Springfield to pick a 700 lb. patient and take him to Columbus.

By the time we got there then back to the station, my mood and energy had deteriorated quite well but it wasn't too hateful for having gotten up at 530a and work my ass off until 830a the next day and only having 30 min of sleep the whole day.

Once I got home, I did pig out on spaghetti squash with pasta sauce after my shower.

By 10a I was exhausted and laid down but was woken by a phone call at 130p from my boss. To say the least, I was wide awake and felt great! I usually don't require much sleep but usually need a little more than what I had.

Looking at what I had ate and the fact that I decided to eat healthier for my 24 day challenge, made a big impact in how I felt after 2 days. JUST TWO DAYS! If I can be this energized in just the first 2 days of my cleanse, I'd love to see how I'm feeling after 24 days.

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

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