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Thursday, March 28, 2013


What type of workout routine do you like? Do you get motivated at the gym every other day? Or maybe you're the type that just likes to get up and put your headphones in and jog every day. Or maybe you're like me and work an odd schedule and can't seem to get a routine down.

That's just it. I used to workout at the gym and lost 20 lbs doing so. Then I got. 2nd shift job. I still made the attempt to workout at the Y but my kids hated the daycare there. It made it rough to try to go. Then getting the kids ready instead of being able to just jump up and leave. Sometimes it seemed like an all day event.

I then decided how much easier it would be if I exercised at home so I went with p90x. It is amazing, if you have 1hr 30min everyday of uninterrupted time to devote to this. I do not.

After much discouragement I found something that has been beginning to show promise in the fact that I have been able to fit in a workout every other day this week and plan on doing one or 2 every day.

I have the Can You 24 by AdvoCare. It is a 2 DVD set that has 7 different workouts. There is Melt 1&2, Shred 1&2, Sculpt 1&2 and Core Stretch. The bonus part that didn't look so promising is the fact that it is only 24 minutes long.

So far from what I've tried I thought the Shred 1 was pretty intense. I felt it the whole next day as well as the day after that. In fact, I decided to do a less intense workout for my second workout because I was still feeling it. Keep in mind that I have always been an active person that in no way is shy of hard work. So much in not believing in 24 minutes of exercise.

After having had the pleasure of knowing how intense shred was, I figured I'd go with Sculpt 1. It sounded waste right? Well I wasn't paying attention and grabbed the 2nd DVD. So I went with Sculpt 2. Yeah, apparently that's how the makers of the DVD planned it, 2 to be more intense than 1. It wasn't to hard to stick with, and I didn't fall to the fetal position like I did with p90x. It was 24 minutes of very intense workouts that I can definitely say I do feel the burn but I can still recover quite nicely and do all the motherly house wife chores I need to do before my 12 hour night at work.

Final thoughts? This DVD is very versatile to the fact that you can have very intense workouts and switch it up so you don't get burnt out. And if you just aren't feeling as intense of workout, you can do less intense exercises from the first DVD to even just the stretch DVD. If you miss a workout, there's no need to beat yourself up over ONLY 24 minutes. And if you're feeling extra motivated, you can throw in a 2nd workout, bike ride, jog... whatever you want really, you'll have the time.

I hope you all have the right workout routine for you. I also hope that if you're having trouble finding routine, that I have helped you realize that a workout doesn't need to be every day or more than an hour of high intensity to be effective.

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Distributor

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