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Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Holidays are coming up, and you know what that means... FOOD!! Lots of it too. Let's face it. If we aren't looking to lose weight we surely don't want to gain it!! Maybe we're looking to lose weight, maybe we aren't but we could all stand to be a little healthier! If you want to get healthier, why not take the DROP A PUMPKIN CHALLENGE.

Don't know what the DROP A PUMPKIN CHALLENGE is? It's a 24 Day Holiday themed weight loss Challenge. Most pumpkins weigh between 10 and 20 pounds, so why not drop a pumpkin?

Still not sure what the 24 day challenge can do for you? I've had a friend that lost 14 pounds taking the 24 Day Challenge, I myself have lost over 17 pounds taking AdvoCare products, and just look at all of these people!!
I know I've had success and there are many others out there that's had success. This is about getting healthier guys. If you don't need to lose weight but want to get healthy, AdvoCare has something for everybody.
Missy Davis

Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


At the start of the summer, I had a workout goal and a weight loss goal. For the last month I started picking up overtime at work and had to prepare the kids to start school. So without the workout, I had no weight loss. I also started slackin on the good eating. I was afraid I had put the weight back on but I am glad to say that I hadn't.

I kept busy and was always up and moving, trying to spend more time with my kids and rearrange some things around the house along with getting rid of what we don't need. I had been eating more and not so great things at times. The main point is that I didn't over eat and I didn't stop moving.

For getting back into the workout and weight loss game, I have much more time since the boys are in school, YAY-YEAH! I went back to the basic plan of the fat smash diet, although I like to start with the 2nd phase and hover in it for as long as possible. I'm stepping up my workout by doing one of my favorite workout DVDs, Can You 24 by AdvoCare, AND taking a 2 mile walk. I'm going to see what 2 weeks do then revise my goals from there.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


As most of you know, I had recently started INSANITY. I made it to the last week and a half then started picking up overtime at work. Since I had been doing overtime and was very busy with a cramped schedule, I wanted to still have the time for my kids, I gave up the workout routine because it was taking too long. Don't worry though, the time spent with my kids was either swimming or bike riding!

So even though I was still getting exercise, I was not getting a workout to tone my muscles. I didn't have the time or energy to do INSANITY with all of the extra hours put into being awake, so I went back to my AdvoCare workout series: Can You 24.

The main reason I chose this one, is because I used it a couple of times before and knew it is only 24 minutes long. The reason I had only used it a couple of times, was because I didn't think it did much and I thought it was boring. Now, after having a heart rate monitor and having done INSANITY, I definitely appreciate it more!

Let me explain the AdvoCare workout series. There are 2 DVDs. Each one has SCULPT, SHRED, MELT, and CORE STRETCH. There is DVD 1 and 2. Between the 2 DVDs there are 6 different workouts and 2 stretches. On each video, there is a color strip on the count down timer for beginner, intermediate, and expert. These exercises only take 24 minutes each.

The first time I did this, I maybe could make it to the end of the intermediate timer and I was slow at the exercises. This is why I felt the workout didn't do much. After having done INSANITY, I thought to myself that there is no way that this DVD would compare so I better go with the intermediate workout. 

It wasn't hard, but it did push me. It went quick so I could have more time for other necessities, which was lovely. And I wasn't in horrible pain after I was done. After 25 minutes I burned 322 calories which makes the AdvoCare workout series very comparable to INSANITY. With insanity, I typically burnt 700-850 in about twice as long. With this I was very satisfied because I figured I'd only be burning around 200 calories.

I've changed my opinion on the AdvoCare workout series. I thought it was good at first but after a few exercises I couldn't stay with it because I started to dislike it. After having done INSANITY which I really did like, I started having no time for it. Many people don't stay with INSANITY because its not for them. INSANITY is very intense and is definitely not for those who are not already in shape. The AdvoCare workout series can be used by anybody even if this is the first time you've ever worked out and allows room for growth.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


As I woke up this morning wondering what I wanted for breakfast, I realized something. I was feeling a bit too lazy to want to make anything. I wasn't feeling a bowl of cereal and I was craving sweet so I figured I'd go with dessert for breakfast. If you're using healthy versions of the ingredients it isn't all bad, is it?

Well I decided on something quick and easy so I went for Greek yogurt cookie dough. It's high in protein and lower in carbs. I know breakfast should be higher in carbohydrates to fuel you but this is what I wanted DAMNIT! 

If you're having a sweet craving this is a good snack to go to and with the high protein content this would make a great after workout snack. 

Here's how to make the Greek yogurt cookie dough

1/2 cup plain non fat Greek yogurt
1 TBSP natural peanut butter
1 TBSP honey
1 TBSP dark chocolate chips

Throw all of the ingredients into a cup and mix with a fork.

And keep mixing!

There you go, done in no time! And it only has 275 calories. ENJOY!!

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I saw this recipe on Pinterest last night before bed and when I was wondering what I should make for breakfast this is what came to mind. My boys didn't like it but I thought it was AMAZING!!

This actually works out great for a super sweet snack but I put some in my oatmeal for breakfast and it was the best.

I altered the recipe a bit to use less oil and honey so it would have less calories. The batch I made up can serve 3 if used for a snack or 6 if used to go along with something, such as cereal, yogurt or ice cream topping. Mmmmm ice cream....

1.5 TBSP coconut oil (you can substitute whatever oil you like, I just happened to use coconut oil)
1.5 TBSP honey
3 bananas

Slice the bananas into 1/2 inch to 1 inch slices. The thinner they are the wimpier they become, so you really don't want them too thin. 

Put the oil in your pan, or part of the oil if only part of your bananas fit. Arrange the bananas on the pan and let them fry for 1-2 minutes. 

Flip the bananas and let them cook for another 1-2 minutes. Add a little water (1-2 TBSP) to the honey and drizzle over the bananas until the water cooks out. Add the cinnamon when finished.
Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Monday, July 15, 2013


Eating clean? Trying to cut the bad carbs but can't get over that pancake craving? These clean protein filled pancakes will hit the spot. I either eat them plain, with a  small bit of honey, or my own home made date syrup!

1/2 cup of quick oats
1/4 cup of plain nonfat Greek yogurt
1 banana
2 egg whites

I use my 3 cup food processor to whirl all of the ingredients together. But first thing's first. Put the oatmeal in the processor alone to make a fine oat flour. Add the rest of the ingredients until mixed evenly. Cook like you would any other pancake. If the batter seems too thick, add more banana or yogurt. If the batter seems too thin, add more oat flour. Enjoy with a bit of honey and a refreshing glass of skim milk and you have a well balanced meal!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Earlier this week, I got the luxury of having a little mishap bumper bender at work and was granted a 5 shift suspension from work. Well my parents had already left for Tennessee with my kids so I figured I would tag along. I had one major dilemma, though. I had just recently started INSANITY and I didn't want to be one week in and completely void that week of hard work. Well I thought about it and told myself that I would just double up on my exercises and do 2 a days until I caught up.

Well upon returning from my lovely vacation, I was really dreading a weigh in knowing I really didn't eat like crap but I didn't eat clean at all. I had cheese burgers, pizza or ice cream for one meal each day. All my meals were super-sized restaurant portions. I came back and when I stepped on the scale to find that I still lost 2.2 pounds! I was super excited.

The next morning is when I got back into my workout routine. I had taken 5 days off of exercising and I was dreading having to re-build any muscle or endurance that I had not been using. Much to my surprise, I started off easy and refrained from overworking myself and still got an awesome workout. Happy to say that I burnt 647 calories in 40 minutes. 

Now I was happy that I got back in to INSANITY with ease but still I am shocked that I lost 2.2 pounds without keeping routine. My only real consistency is the Fibrotrim and Omegaplex I have been taking. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Lately I've been semi-following this blog and his writer, Skinny Jared. He's lost a lot of weight and has done it fast. Many people don't agree with his way of doing so, mostly because he eats around 500-700 calories a day and exercises it all off at the gym. I agree with his high protein and how much he should be burning during a workout but I could never eat that few of calories a day simply because I'd be hungry.

Yes, a part of me does say that it is also unsafe to eat that few of calories in a day but hey, its better than getting skinny smoking crack. He's trying to get healthy and he may not be doing it the best way, although he is pretty damn successful with what he has done.

Now with the friendly competition. OK, I get it. Maybe I'm bad because my idea of friendly competition is what all of you "nice" people call antagonistic warfare. He usually burns 700-800 calories in an hour and that is great. But I've been doing INSANITY and it completely kicks my ass! Not to mention that I burn just a tad bit more calories than Jared does in 55 minutes. I just want to see him beat my best, or at least try:)

Missy Davis

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Now seriously, I'm not going to go into all the scientifics about how each cell does all this complex stuff, but I do want to tell you why you plateau when you've been busting your ass as hard as ever exercising.

As most of you may know, I've been doing INSANITY. I'm in the middle of my 3rd week and I've started to notice a decline in the amount of calories I've been burning. 

In my first week I was burning 600-700 calories. Now I'm only burning about 550. I'm constantly checking my heart rate. My resting is now about 15 beats per minute lower than when I started. This means  I have to work harder to maintain my target heart rate. I've not been pushing myself much harder, (my poor knees are killin me!) so there is a slight decline in the calories burned due to my body working more efficiently. 

Not only is my body working more efficiently but also I am used to my workout. The set of disks switch it up in the second month so I'm planning on (hopefully) seeing an increase in the amount of calories burned until I get used to the routine.

It goes to show you that if you plateau, you are still making progress. Doing different things in your workout routine or switching up your eating habits for a few days to a week may be all you need to break the plateau. Just don't give up. 

Missy Davis
Independent Advocare Distributor

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


YI'm all for trying new things, so I bought an eggplant. I had no intentions making Eggplant Parmesan, so I looked online and concocted a good recipe for eggplant chips!


Mandolin or knife
Olive oil
Seasonings, salt, pepper

Most of what you'll need to do is preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and slice the eggplant into 1/4 inch slices.

Parchment paper line your baking sheets and lightly coat your slices with olive oil. Add seasonings. Bake for 20 minutes. At 10 minutes, flip.(I know I used foil but I was out of parchment paper. I'm gonna have one hell of a time with sticking!)

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I know this is a HORRIBLE look for me but I'll definitely reach my goals if I keep it up! Second day insanity burned 722 calories in 41 min. I was dripping sweat!
The best part of it all my (sometimes) sweet five year old Logan saw me sweating and brought me a towel and wiped my face. Then when he saw my water bottle empty he said, "I'm gonna fill your water bottle back up with Watermelon Spark."

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Monday, May 27, 2013


Today I started INSANITY. I can already tell it will burn more calories than leisurely squats, crunches and burpees. I am much more wore out after a 25 minute fit test than my first 30 minute jog

Friday, May 24, 2013


Just a compilation of the intetnet's "best abs"


Justin Beiber. Those manly abs accented with that dainty tattoo of, oh I don't know a penis? NEXT!


I don't know how you get abs with a gut that tubby, but props dude!


Nice try, almost believable for photoshop, ALMOST...


Ya know, if he spent as much time out in the sun as he did pretending he has abs he might be as nearly as tan as those buns!


Now this is just classic. It's funny and he's staying cool, plus he has a hippy van!


He almost should earn number one for creativity, but...


I honestly don't know why I'm giving this number 1 but I'm sure if you're willing to be this, you gotta want it. This poor person deserves to be number 1 for something!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


 Thanks again for your orders! I'm going to try the Slim Tropical Swirl to see how I like it. AdvoBar is great and actually my bar that I made right HERE, almost tastes just like it! The Post-Workout Recovery really works to help those sore muscles after a workout!

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor


THAT'S WHY!! I've made it to 32 without throwing up, yet...


My 30 DAYS OF BETTER HEALTH is almost getting to be TOO much. I know I may be babying out, but when I work a 12 hour swing shift from 7p to 7a, it gets to be hard to find time to exercise for more than an hour and sleep, and not be tired. Well, with this being said, I went for a bike ride instead of a run. We had fun!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


So I decided I'd try to make healthy chips to snack on and I have been seeing chip recipes made out of squash. Why the hell not, right?

This one is easy to do. I just took some summer squash and sliced it thin. (Not too thin, there was nothing to my first batch)

After having cut them up I crumpled up some foil and laid it flat on a pan then sprayed it with a low-cal butter spray to keep them from sticking. After I put the chips on the foil I sprinkled them with some seasonings. 

I baked these in the oven for about an hour and a half on 250 degrees. If they start getting too golden brown, make sure to pull the crispy ones off the tray or they'll end up burnt because they tend to not cook so evenly! 

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Monday, May 20, 2013


I've been using advocare products for a couple months now and I can say I really like them. What had originally caught my attention was that they have an energy drink similar to monster, and I'm all about energy drinks and Spark is way cheaper than monster. With products being cheaper and being shipped right to my door I figured it would be worth a try. With having used other AdvoCare products, I have a few other reasons I like using AdvoCare.

1. Like I said, it costs less. Back when I drank Monster, I would drink 1 a day. That equalled a minimum of $3 a day. With Spark, retail cost for 1 canister that lasts me a month is $51.95. If you're a distributor, you can save even more! Click HERE to find out how.

2. These products are high quality nutrition. If you compare the labels from a Monster Energy to am AdvoCare Spark, you'll soon find out that Spark has more Riboflavin, Niacin, and vitamins B6 and B12. As you can see, Monster Energy ONLY has 100% of all of these. Click HERE for Spark nutrition info.

3. These products give you enough energy to fuel you through your workout. When I started taking AdvoCare products, I started feeling more energetic. Once spring started rolling around, I decided to start running, and that's so unlike me to run. Over 3 weeks time I went from running 1.23 miles in 28 minutes time to running 1.8 miles in 28 minutes. Now look at all the calories I'm burning!

4. I've lost weight. They have some excellent products that help curb appetite and help boost metabolism. I took the 24 Day Challenge and lost 10 lbs. That may not sound like much it was over the winter time. I did not watch what I ate, and I slept all the time. Had I put more effort into it, I would have had more results.

5. A lucrative income opportunity. If you choose to become a Distributor or even Advisor, not only do you get excellent discounts but there is a great income opportunity as well.

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Today is Mother's Day, and what did I get? INSANITY, BOXING GLOVES WITH SPARRING MITS, and HEART RATE MONITOR WITH CALORIE TRACKER! This is awesome! Gonna start in 2 weeks, right after I finish my 30 DAYS OF BETTER HEALTH.


Yes, on some level I do agree that this will be one of my most ridiculous posts. I came across some recipes for Mock CLIFBARS. With my recent curiousity of the Paleo Lifestyle, I decided to make them completely Paleo. One recipe called for unsweetened coconut. I couldn't find it anywhere so what did I do, I grabbed a coconut.

First thing's first, you need your supplies:
-potato peeler
-phillips head screwdriver or cork screw
-stiff drink  *First time is trial and error, mostly error, and trust me. You'll need it!

Step 1. Poke a hole in the "soft" eye of the coconut. Use the screwdriver or corkscrew.

Step 2. Let the coconut sit on top of a cup or shake the coconut out over a bowl to gather all of the juice. This may take a while and also is where the stiff drink may come in handy.

Step 3. Nevermind the hacksaw, this shit's hard! Have another drink. Just take the hammer and start smacking the line that runs through the center. Keep rotating the coconut until it splits. Once it splits, getting your coconut meat is way easier.

Step 4. The directions I followed said you need to heat the coconut for it to come out of the shell rather easily. You can use the oven or microwave. I opted for the microwave. After about 3 minutes the coconut gets really hot, like 3rd degree burn hot if you're not careful. Also, this seemed to be of no help and I mainly just burned the crap out of my fingers. Furthermore, this dumb step just causes you to waste your time because you have to let the damn thing cool. Stop wasting your time but if you do chose to heat your coconut, you should also chose to have another drink while it cools.

Step 5. Cut the inside of the coconut through the center like you're cutting a pie. Take a knife or spoon and pry the coconut out. It came right out for me.

Step 6. There is a thin brown skin on the cocunut. You can either leave it on the coconut or peel it off with a vegetable peeler or knife.

This pretty much sums it up. Yeah, it was grueling because someone else's instructions blew!

I will say however, once you put a hole in the soft eye, let it sit for about 15 minutes, use the hammer hard and it will split rather quickly. Really just cut the coconut in the shell and it should pop right out. If it doesn't, then MAYBE try microwaving it. I've only done this once but I don't believe this step is necessary.


Looking for a high protein post workout snack? Homemade Clif Bars can be made ahead of time so when you're wore out from your workout,( and you should be!) you can just stumble your weak ass to the fridge and grab. Couldn't be more simple. And my added bonus for you is the special ingredient in the Spark. 2 coconut milk ice cubes and 4 pieces of frozen pineapple, YUM!

9 oz. box of prunes
9 oz. box of figs
1/2 of a 12 oz. box of raisins
2 cups unsweetened coconut (I had to buy A coconut and open it. Here's how)
1 cups of walnuts
1 cups of almonds
1.5 cups of peiptas (pumpkin seeds)
Cinnamon to taste

This is really simple directions. I put the nuts and seeds into my processor until they were crumbs but not turning sticky. Then I did the same to the coconut. I took the prunes, figs and raisins and puréed them then added the rest of the ingredients until it was uniform. I flattened it on a tray then baked it for 25ish minutes at 350 degrees. You could do it less if you wanted them to be gooey, it's your call.


Just here to quickly inform you about post workout nutrition. I usually would just grab anything healthy before and after a workout, not really caring what it was as long as it was healthy. Well, I've decided to take a step up in the world and do things right! I had just finished my 2nd run for my 30 DAYS OF RUNNING. My thighs and calves were on fire! I took one of my Post Workout Recovery Drinks from AdvoCare but before I go into that, let me explain a little about why you need a post workout snack.

You should always have a post-workout snack. Why? Your post-workout snack provides you with the nutrition for muscle repair. You need to consume the proper balance of carbs and protein for the best muscle repair. The carbohydrates creates insulin release. Insulin carries carbs and amino acids into the muscle, which speeds up the muscle repair that comes from the protein.

So to sit down and have a nutritious meal is optimal but if you are in a hurry this is a great alternative and it tastes great too. I usually don't take Post Workout Recovery Drinks but this one had me sold. If I ever get to the point where I want to take them on a regular basis, Performance Elite is where it's at.

Missy Davis
Independent Advocare Distributor

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Within the past week, I've made posts of different diets and exercises I've wanted to try. I've decided to try the Paleo diet. With that, I've tried to figure out an exercise plan to with it. What I've come to realize is, I'M LAZY!!

I've always liked to be active and exercise but with being a mom of 2 tornadoes, and working 12 hour swing shifts, I don't have the time and don't get the proper sleep to be motivated to work out for an hour at a time. What I've also realized is that I have no problem finding 5-10 minutes here and there to work out, then realize I forgot to do something even more important...SQUIRREL!

Well, with all these epiphanish thoughts I decided I'm going to start small and add more to each exercise over 30 days time, along with 30 days of proper nutrition. Since I've already been doing interval running/walking, I've come up with a 30 days of running plan and am following 30 days of squats plan. Since I want a total body work out, I've decided to pile on 2 more 30 day plans as well. These two are 30 Days of Crunches and 30 Days of Burpees.

These are exercises that many people already do but the schedule is something that I made up all on my own. So not only do I make up my own words (who else uses epiphanish) I make up my own work out schedules as well... Feel free to use them.

Missy Davis

Sunday, May 5, 2013


OMEGA 3!! What is so important about omega 3's? Omega 3 fatty acids are the polyunsaturated fats that are essential for brain function. Other possible benefits of omega 3's are:

  • may reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and arthritis
  • help with cognitive function, behavior and memory
  • may even help ward of fatigue, depression and mood swings, poor circulation and dry skin
Omega 3's are so important that even Dr. Oz advises to take supplements and had a guest on his show talk about them.

After having heard that OmegaPlex from AdvoCare was one of the top approved supplements, I was excited because I already took them! Knowing that I buy from a company that makes a quality product approved on the Dr. Oz show just reassures me that the rest of the products are worth the money I've spent. 

Missy Davis

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Quick snack tip. I was hungry and wanted a snack. Threw some asparagus on a pan with salt, onion powder, and garlic powder. Roasted at 450 degrees about 10-15 minutes each side. It satisfies cravings for something salty and crunchy.

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor


I was checking out YouTube for a few moments and this guy is amazing! I always wondered if gaining weight and having skin stretched due to having kids affected your ability to be able to get rid of the saggy skin through exercise. As it turns out for this guy, it's not a lot of extra skin for as big as he was! In the video, Jon says, "I AM WILL POWER!" If you are too, please comment so! Stay motivated everyone!

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I got hungry and wanted a snack, crunchy veggies with a dip. I didn't have the foods that any recipes called for on hand, so I threw an avocado, 2 Roma tomatoes, a clove of garlic, and a splash of apple cider vinegar in my processor and got this- yes the whole clove was a little much and some say ACV isn't paleo, some say it is.


Yes, another exercise to add to my daily "30 days of" obsession. This time it's squats. This one is actually what prompted me to initiate the whole 30 day kick. After having done a trial of 50 squats I realized that it was pretty easy so I figured I could throw in other exercises as well, with each one working my way up to 30 days.

Here's the squat schedule:

Here's a pic of my ass:

Hopefully you all will be able to tell a difference at the end of my 30 days. And this is not the first time I have post pics of my ass on the net. SEE

Missy Davis
Independent Advocare Distributor