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Friday, March 29, 2013


I just threw together a delicious supper that was filled with healthy spinach and onion. I really didn't use measurements so you're going to have to eyeball it like I did.

shredded cheese
ranch dressing

Basically I took the chicken and flattened it out with a meat press and chopped some onion and spinach. I mixed the onion, spinach, and cheese, added a little salt then spread the mixture on top of the chicken. After this, I rolled it up and spread ranch dressing on it. I baked this in the oven at 350 degrees. I really don't know how long but I think it was between 20 and 30 minutes, just until it looked done.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


What type of workout routine do you like? Do you get motivated at the gym every other day? Or maybe you're the type that just likes to get up and put your headphones in and jog every day. Or maybe you're like me and work an odd schedule and can't seem to get a routine down.

That's just it. I used to workout at the gym and lost 20 lbs doing so. Then I got. 2nd shift job. I still made the attempt to workout at the Y but my kids hated the daycare there. It made it rough to try to go. Then getting the kids ready instead of being able to just jump up and leave. Sometimes it seemed like an all day event.

I then decided how much easier it would be if I exercised at home so I went with p90x. It is amazing, if you have 1hr 30min everyday of uninterrupted time to devote to this. I do not.

After much discouragement I found something that has been beginning to show promise in the fact that I have been able to fit in a workout every other day this week and plan on doing one or 2 every day.

I have the Can You 24 by AdvoCare. It is a 2 DVD set that has 7 different workouts. There is Melt 1&2, Shred 1&2, Sculpt 1&2 and Core Stretch. The bonus part that didn't look so promising is the fact that it is only 24 minutes long.

So far from what I've tried I thought the Shred 1 was pretty intense. I felt it the whole next day as well as the day after that. In fact, I decided to do a less intense workout for my second workout because I was still feeling it. Keep in mind that I have always been an active person that in no way is shy of hard work. So much in not believing in 24 minutes of exercise.

After having had the pleasure of knowing how intense shred was, I figured I'd go with Sculpt 1. It sounded waste right? Well I wasn't paying attention and grabbed the 2nd DVD. So I went with Sculpt 2. Yeah, apparently that's how the makers of the DVD planned it, 2 to be more intense than 1. It wasn't to hard to stick with, and I didn't fall to the fetal position like I did with p90x. It was 24 minutes of very intense workouts that I can definitely say I do feel the burn but I can still recover quite nicely and do all the motherly house wife chores I need to do before my 12 hour night at work.

Final thoughts? This DVD is very versatile to the fact that you can have very intense workouts and switch it up so you don't get burnt out. And if you just aren't feeling as intense of workout, you can do less intense exercises from the first DVD to even just the stretch DVD. If you miss a workout, there's no need to beat yourself up over ONLY 24 minutes. And if you're feeling extra motivated, you can throw in a 2nd workout, bike ride, jog... whatever you want really, you'll have the time.

I hope you all have the right workout routine for you. I also hope that if you're having trouble finding routine, that I have helped you realize that a workout doesn't need to be every day or more than an hour of high intensity to be effective.

Missy Davis
AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I've just gone through the first 10 days of the 24 Day Challenge. I did awesome! Lost 5 lbs. but now I'm glad to say I can broaden my menu. I can have milk, cheese, and breads!! I'm going to have them in moderation of course. I love to have whole grain toast with an egg occasionally and a small glass of milk is good to have with every meal. Then cheese is a great snack or changes up the taste of a few things.

Do you wanna know the strange thing though? I don't miss pasta! I always thought it was because I was a carb addict. I love bread, bagels, and any pasta. As it turns out, I think it's the pasta sauce! I learned that because I survived on spaghetti squash.

There's another couple things I wanted to tell you about the 24 Day Challenge. For one, the video Can You 24, I did one 24 minute exercise 2 days ago and my muscles are still sore (which means it works) and I finally get to have the sweet meal replacement shakes and bars.

The meal replacement shakes come in a variety of flavors. They have 220 calories and have over 20 different vitamins and nutrients. They're delicious too! I know not many people will think a "diet shake" is great tasting but my kids love them too.

The reason I give them to the boys is sometimes they won't eat the healthy food that I've made or they've made meal choices that aren't the healthiest. When they ask for things such as PB&J, eggs and bacon or insist of eating a whole bowl if air popped popcorn for supper I give them half a serving of a meal replacement shake.

I also love making milkshakes out of these by taking half a serving of the shake, mixing it with 4 oz of milk and blending it with ice. Oh and don't forget the whipped cream! This is so many less calories and so much more healthy. Not to mention my boys think they are getting a complete dessert.

As for my next 14 days, I hope they go even better than my previous 10. With the exercise video I'm going to try to get in at least one a day and be up moving around to stay motivated.

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I've recently decided to take Advocare's 24 day challenge. This is a 24 day program that helps you to lose weight, boost your metabolism, rid your body of toxins, and get more nutrition. There are 2 phases:

The Cleanse Phase and the Max Phase

The Cleanse Phase is a 10 day phase in which you limit the foods you eat along with taking a fiber suplement and probiotic restore capsules. This phase is designed to help you eliminate waste as well as help your body better absorb nutrition. And the plus side is that I lost 5 lbs. during my first 7 days without even exercising!

The Max Phase is the last 14 days in which you fuel your body with meal replacement shakes, vitamins, and fat burners that really amp up your weight loss. There is also a new exercise DVD, Can You 24, that goes along with the challenge. It has 7 different exercise programs that are all 24 minutes long.

This 24 day challenge is a great way to start off your weight loss journey or pick you up where your current plan has left you at a plateau. I have been on the challenge for a week and already feel amazing with more energy. I have been through the majority of the first 10 and can't wait to see the results that the last 14 bring me.

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Thursday, March 21, 2013


A friendly reminder if you're upset with ONLY a pound.

Just imagine what this could be:
* a love handle
* jiggly arm fat
* a double chin
* plumbers crack
* muffin top
* 3rd and 4th boob (they do exist!)

So the next time you're thinking "just a pound", remember:
* it happens to everybody
* you're normal
* you did great
* you'll do better next time
* don't give up

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor


So I've always been the type to put fruit and vegetables in everything and further more when my bananas became brown I would make bulk pancakes or French toast but honestly I never thought of this!

These banana pancakes have absolutely no flour in them so if you are glute free or low carb these are perfect, and even tasty enough to trick my ultra picky five year old- drizzled with honey of course.

1 banana
2 eggs
Splash of vanilla extract
Dash of cinnamon

What can I say, throw it all in a food processor and give it a whirl. I added almonds in mine and instead of cinnamon I used apple pie spices.

Spray your pan and cook on a medium to just below medium heat. This batch makes 8 medium sized pancakes and you can eat the whole batch for like what, maybe 250-300 calories?

Honestly they are a pretty good rip off alternative to real pancakes. Enjoy!

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Decided to take on the 24 day challenge. I had taken one during the middle of December and beginning of January. That wasn't the worst mistake in the world but it was over Christmas and New Years... Oops. But aside from having all kinds of "cheat" days and not exercising at all... I did lose 7 lbs. so I've gotten the motivation to take another one. I have also motivated a few friends to take it with me.

So far, this is how my 2 days has treated me.
I started my cleanse on Sunday. My work called me asking if I wanted to work Monday 7a-7p. This is not my normal shift and I was already scheduled for that same day 7p-7a. So naturally I said yes to 24 hours but this is not uncommon for EMS work.

Later that evening they called me to say that they no longer needed me. I was really wanting the money but wasn't gonna complain about not having to work a 24.

After the relief of not having to work a 24, I decided I did not need to get ready to go to bed any time soon. Then I got the call. I was back on schedule.

After knowing that I'd have to be up at 530 am, I tried to scramble to finish the stuff I needed to. With no victory I was in bed no earlier that 1 am.

When I woke up, I had my fiber drink. They remind me of apple sauce so they are yummy. I packed plenty of things like apples, an orange, tomato, celery and carrots with peanut butter, and almonds.

My shift started at 7a but at 8 or 830 was our first run. We were moving and had patient after patient until we pulled back into the station at 830p. Yes, we did find a little time here and there to grab a snack and mine were all healthy.

Well after getting back to the station and to my usual partner, I finally got a lunch. She even offered to buy me a salad. She's amazing!

Right after our lunches we had to take the vans with the newly equipped GPS units out to Sydney, Piqua, and Dayton. This took until 3a.

At this point I was still going strong but I had also been up for almost 23 hours and had only had 4.5 hours sleep. I knew I needed sleep.

I laid down and asked my partner if she'd do the shop chores for me. She agreed. Like I said, AMAZING!

At 330a, she came out to let me know that we had to leave for Springfield to pick a 700 lb. patient and take him to Columbus.

By the time we got there then back to the station, my mood and energy had deteriorated quite well but it wasn't too hateful for having gotten up at 530a and work my ass off until 830a the next day and only having 30 min of sleep the whole day.

Once I got home, I did pig out on spaghetti squash with pasta sauce after my shower.

By 10a I was exhausted and laid down but was woken by a phone call at 130p from my boss. To say the least, I was wide awake and felt great! I usually don't require much sleep but usually need a little more than what I had.

Looking at what I had ate and the fact that I decided to eat healthier for my 24 day challenge, made a big impact in how I felt after 2 days. JUST TWO DAYS! If I can be this energized in just the first 2 days of my cleanse, I'd love to see how I'm feeling after 24 days.

Missy Davis
Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Sunday, March 17, 2013


This is the first time I made this and it was so much easier than I expected. Even if you're the worlds worst cook, you can't possibly mess this up.


I started out by microwaving the squash for about 10 minutes. Make sure you don't forget to pierce the squash so you don't have a microwave explosion.

When you take the spaghetti squash out of the microwave it is rather hot and steamy so watch your hands, I almost burnt myself. Split the spaghetti squash length wise into two even halves.

Remove the seeds just like you would with a pumpkin being careful not to scrape the squash out with it.

Using a fork, loosen the ’spaghetti’ strands from the inside of the squash, scraping them into a bowl or plate.

Now this is the "hard" part. Spray a nonstick pan with cooking spray or spread a little of oil around the bottom of the pan. You can put any seasonings on your "spaghetti" you want but mine tasted great plain!

Let squash cook for about 2-3 minutes over medium high heat, stirring constantly until the squash has become more tender and the excess moisture has cooked out of the squash.

Prepare this just like you would any other spaghetti. Add meat, pasta sauce, vegetables, or Parmesan cheese.

And lastly, NOM NOM NOM! Super delicious!


                                                                                                           Missy Davis
                                                                                                           Independent AdvoCare Distributor


Hope you people all think this is as good as it looks!
Buffalo Roasted Cauliflower
Roasted cauliflower buffalo wing style! Don't like buffalo? Maybe the recipe can be altered to barbecue or Parmesan garlic.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

1 head cauliflower, cut into florets
1 tablespoon oil
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup hot sauce- pick your fave!
blue cheese or ranch dressing for dipping (optional)

Toss the cauliflower florets in the oil, salt and pepper, arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet, and roast in a preheated 400F oven until lightly golden brown, about 20-30 minutes.
Toss cauliflower in the hot sauce and enjoy.

You can vary this recipe any way you choose but remember some sauces and dressings can be calorie loaded.
                                                                      Missy Davis
                                                                                                        Independent AdvoCare Distributor


These cookies are scrumptious! Being that they are also naturally sweet, they are very healthy.


2 large old bananas
1 cup of quick oats

Mash the bananas with a fork or potato masher. Old bananas are perfect for this, but you can use fresh ones too. I buy a bunch of bananas, let them get old on my counter, and then cut 'em up and stick 'em in the freezer.

Then add in what sounds delicious, or add nothing! I love:
-a handful of chocolate chips
-crushed walnut pieces
This time I added crushed almonds!

Bake them at 350 degrees for 15 to 20. Grease the cookie sheet or use foil. YUM!!

Missy Davis


So I've decided to start another 24 Day Challenge. I did one back in December, didn't really abide by the challenge rules, didn't exercise at all, and still managed to lose 7 lbs. and that's with having to have 2 Christmas dinners and 1 New Year's lunch. So even though I failed myself, the challenge didn't fail me.
So this time, I'm coming back at the challenge with better eating habits, and an exercise routine! I'm thinking I can do 15 this month. The best part is that I now have an exercise DVD to go along with my challenge that only takes 24 minutes. I'm hoping that I will tone up as well and people will look at me asking what the HELL I did!

 Missy Davis
 Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Friday, March 8, 2013


I have recently been exercising a little here and a little there to get motivated to have an actual workout routine. What this has inadvertently done for me was urged me to make a list similar to a diet plan of healthy foods I will eat and some that I shouldn't eat so much of. I made a post in Erika Rice's Facebook group Help. Accountability. Support. Friends. Weight Loss. It was about being motivated to eat healthier. So what did I do but immediately go downstairs to cook 3 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs and have them for breakfast with a side of 2 slices of whole grain toast, YUM!

Well I do guess that with my protein filled breakfast equipped with whole grain does help in 2 ways.

1. To keep me fueled with the energy to be productive without getting hungry
2. All the benefits from high protein

Hmmm, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? (Guess I didn't do so bad, yay!)

 Missy Davis
 Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Friday, March 1, 2013



  When proteins are digested, amino acids are left. The human body needs amino acids to break down food. Amino acids need to be eaten in large enough amounts for optimal health.
Amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs, as well as in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters, and some grains (such as wheat germ). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet.

Adults are encouraged to get 0.5-0.8g of protein per pound of body weight. Less if you're less active and more if you're more active. The equation is simple: 0.5(g of protein) X 150(body weight) = 75g of daily protein.

  Hope that's a good start for all who's trying to lose weight but are not sure what to cut. To put it simply, don't cut your protein.

  Missy Davis
  Independent AdvoCare Distributor